Friday, January 24, 2014

ATTENTION: this is a long post :)

It’s been so long since I’ve updated this blog. Last post was like sooooo last year? XD okay I know that my blog is not known to anyone but who cares?!
And now I gotta say work is borinnngg! Or can we define em as LIFELESS? Yes that is most certain to describe how work is to me.

My work is seriously easy but I seem not too care about it because I want my fangirl moment and a holiday for me after the SPM ended last December.

But, unfortunately I have to work a day after my last paper for spm that is ekonomi asas.  I’m a bit pissed off but at the same time I need to gain money before entering the new world that is university (inshaallah) my family will always told me like “oh, UIA lah senang dekat and so on.” Yeahh!  I want UIAM too but it’s kindda hard to get in that university because it’s internationally ! at least 5As ? maybe.. well I can’t target what i’ve got for SPM. If I targeted it to be straight A’s people gonna say how awful I was and overly confident I was… 

AND! If I were to say “tak kesah asalkan ade A” people will stamp me as a lazy human with an unintelligent brain -,- so people! Please don’t ever ask me what am I targeting for my exams! Well before exam I can say I was targeting for straight A’s but after exam.. just no. if you ever happen to face the same problem as I do just relax and say “well, makcik I’m not that, just see what happen this MARCH ^^” and
 3 months later…

 [ March] the same makcik came and ask “macam mane exam?” /FACEPALM/
Hahaha true story isn’t it? I’ve always get flustered when people were asking about my result even though it’s great (please ignore my confident level)they were asking and so  I told them  that I’ve got 7A’s for my PMR last time..but then..they don’t believe what I said:P The heck???!!then don’t ask lah.. just guess what I’ve got like “hmm.. ni mesti 1 A je ni.. slalu malas je Nampak “ kan senang! Just guess and don’t ask when you are not believing it.haish..
BUT PMR MEANT NOTHING :P so a year as a form 4 student is such a big mess to me. New subjects like Add maths. Account and ekonomi sure break my heart to pieces. When I was in form 5 I’ve regret a bit because I wasn’t paying much attention to accounts. /another facepalm/ but seriously 2013 went too fast. Even faster than rapid KL nor metrobus or bus mini (we are not talking about every single bus name here!)
So everyone if you all are still a school student, do listen to the teachers because when your  school years ended, you might want to hear your teacher’s voice telling you their experience while they were the same age as you.. like what Puan Noryamshina did to us last year. She is like a mum to me  in school :) I’ve missed her a lot..insyaallah I’m gonna meet her this march! I hope I remember to take her phone number. I just don’t want to lost contact with her!
And for those who ended the school just like me. Never forget to pray the best for our teachers who have been thru so much just to make People like us turn into a great HUMAN.
I’m sorry that this post was too long I just have to blurt out everything I had In mind this few months…
SMKPU1 is a school which holds a lot of memories I had with my friends, teachers and my sis..
I still remember the moment when I’m a form 1 student while my sis was in her form 5. I’m still not that close to my sis due to some reasons.. okay lemme tell you a bit.  

When I was born I was the longest baby ever at the hospital XD so perhaps because of that I’ve got some issues such as picky about foods and restaurant and should I prescribe myself as a weird humankind? Yes that could be true too. I can’t even drink water at warung that is near to some ditch due to the smell.. I’m so horrible as a kid.. I was worst than Amanda from the DEVIL THAT WEARS PRADA. And, I never eat local fruits. What I’ve ate before were the fruits imported from new Zealand. If I saw a sticker that written AUSTRALIA.. I’m never gonna eat that (idk how i knew that Australia is near to Malaysia) and I’m deeply sorry to ROME!CX maybe due to my bad attitude I receive no love from my siblings haha they hated me too much XD
And after I was form 3 kot,, then only my siblings started to like me n make friends with me haha
 I’m sorry for such a long post. I’m just got a lot to tell but no time to post due to work I’m having now. But I’m gonna stop my work this febuary. So starting 1st of March, I’m gonna be so damn freeeeee! And I will blog more frequently than I was back then.. I still don’t know how other people can be so famous just by blogging I really want to be like them but due to my un-beautiful face I’m not gonna receive any attention by others XD but i always grateful of what ALLAH gave to me. It’s just that other girls were prettier that’s it ! hehehe and soooo I’m gonna end this post till here..oh wait! I’m gonna post again after thiss!!! Hahhaaahaha been drafting this in word with size of 9 but a full page of A4 size so I assume this to be soooo lonnnggg Ok screw the typical talking and gonna start drafting the next post ! :)

P/S; Do promo my blog!! Takde sape baca my blog! I’m sadddd XD