Thursday, July 17, 2014


It’s been 1 Month and 10 days of staying here in CFS IIUM.
After like 9 years going back and forth from this university to home because of my sis..


My time has come!
And yeah like DR Ali said we as a student of IIUM have to read and it’s a MUST to READ..-,-
I am never a good reader.
I Never read :X
So.. I happened to change tetiba due to motivational talks and all
(kesedaran menjelma)
And try to like books which I don’t read since forever.
And here are some books that I bought (well most of it are free thanks to my mum and my sis)


Secret series by pseudonymous bosch


It’s been a while since I’ve last updated this blog due to reality world that is so mainstream where everyone need to get into a University (at least) so that your future ahead aren’t that bad…. Yes… those saying that I kept in mind now and then.
But it is true..
Without knowledge, our future ahead won’t be as clearer as the sky.. ( unless the sky jerebu cam haritu)
 And what I learnt from a month staying here is to be true to yourself and You’ll find someone that can live the way you live… ( walaupun menggila)

Sorry if my writing is so bad… I Just had migraine now and I feel like imma puke…
But I want to update this blog so badly.. I might do many posts today! Hahahahhaha

Assalamualaikum W.B.T