Friday, October 14, 2011


WARNING: The title and the photo has nothing to do with the post

Malas actually nak buat new post since I mmg PEMALAS in this part that's why sometime i decided to delete this blog but my friend suruh I update some more haish seriously??
Okay today i'm gonna talk about My life before and after PMR :D

Before PMR...
I'm gonna make in points since summary aritu tak bleh

-semue org freak out and takut lah ape lah N Library full dgan budak form 3
-tutup semue bende berkenaan ngan internet thingy facebook, twitter =, blog and etc smue pon ditinggalkan n dipenuhi sawang2
-revision day and night and tak tidor malam until ada dark circle under eye :(
-klau sembang with kawan2 pun talk about study about exam n school things that is absolutely boring tahap kritikal

- pada tarikh 10 haribulan 10 tepat jam 1550 semue org pnye suare kedengaran n screaming habis-habisan ish3 (including me act) excited yg teramat
-then sekitar skolah dah mule kosong semue bdak ade yg balik ade yg stay...
-bru lah bleh on9 day n night jugak :D yeah!!!

I know my post is absolutely boring but that's my life nothing i can do :'( pffft pathetic habis...
Later i buat fan fic ke ape ke and then post here but maybe later cuz i'm in a process of hafaling songs (hafaling lah?) maybe i start with neverland...kan?? suke that song eh i dah hafal lagu stereo hearts..actually lyrics dye tak susah sgt hahaha in your face
MACY cheh sorry2 I maen2 jer :D

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