Saturday, February 25, 2012


DAY by day is such a painful thing to get thru especially when our beloved friends pindah :'(...

BUT STILL! life must go on kan? okay fr today is better tht I talk about HEALTH! #mcmEnglishtaskkatskolahsmalam Health consist of alot of stuff that's going on with our body HEALTH ni lagi Important than BB, Iphone , Ipad or etc.. fr now.. Imma trying to lose some weight memandangkan I'm just too fat these days *sigh ==" but emm.. I still eat alot *that's my problem! gosh! schools give us alot of pressure sbb kene study and at the same time take care of our self and that's a big things to do kan? Fr me I'll try to balance both of them so dat i dun get too stressed out or too chill #mcmciterNedDesclassifiedschoolsurvivalguide too chill can be dangerous too cuz we might flunk out in our classes and tht is horrible!! fr me grades and school is the most important THAang eva!that's why alot of ma schoolmates see me as a nerdy chick! hahaXD in school yeah i am a NERDY or u can say geek but when i'm outside of school i'm not haha literally! so to keep me from not getting overweight, Diabetes or obesity I have TO WATCH OUT! if u guys love to eat sugary stuff like me I love roti BOM cuz I like PARK BOM *takdekenemengena u guys shud do exercises ! yeayh im so lazy to do some exercise so tht's why I dance alot :D *kpop songs help me!! exercises can be too boring but u can make it fun if u turn on some songs while exercising! it may helps! :D oh and yeah from my older post i said that my tummy was buncit rite ? but now i think it's going more kempis yay me! thanks fr the ujian segak!! haha but unfortunately my knee was lebam because i'm doin push up at the simen *sigh (kene denda tak hantar buku itu lah padah die) My push was too bad lately because of my injury in my knees ! :( okay itu about physical health how bout mental?? okay kalau dengar mental je orang mesti cakap ahh SAKET MENTAL!! haha buat joke semue #timesekolahrendah dulu slalu lah jgak okay klau I lah...I am a negative thinker which is bad! so i'll try to be a postive thinker and try to be more relax than before klau nak lepas kan tension what i do is hafaling song the rap also! hehe and sometimes kalau i felt bored bile studying I will blajar bahase korea it's a good treatment fr me as I love BAHASA KOREA alot

so if u guys feel sad or stressed out just grab anything u like and let it all out! y'all gonna be just fine :D


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