Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lemme tell you guys about ALIVE TOURR!! 

well to be precise, I didn't go to the concert.. just concert venue at last saturday evening :( I hope all that is clear now ! I'm not joining this sea of yellowness :( 
To not going to the concert it's fine ( well actually NOTTT)
but then i was like...askin my siblings "korang nak pergi tak ? iwanna buy the sweater and all." then dorang cakap "well, pegi tanye abah lah." then i was like why me???? I'm freak out! then cakap i lahir tahun tikus lah  pastu susah nak baik with orang yang lahir tahun kuda that is my dad LOL..
But then I straight ahead asking fr the permission to my dad bagai-bagai then my dad like geleng-geleng :'/ but then ktorang cakap "bukannye tgok concert but pegi beli brg kat sane." then my dad ckp okay..tapi kalau concert-concert !?? it's a NO still! :'( but takpe jugak cuz rather then going to concerts better duduk rumah and bace buku LOL nak pegi concert igt senang ke ? ni persediaan fr concerts well i dah pegi 4 concerts ! so Okaaay lah cukup2 lah tu..
Preparation if you're going to concerts :
  • MONEY, Lots of them
  • IF u don't have money then join few contest like me like the time I won fr B2ST fanmeet until i got extra ticket well screw maself that time *sigh* but fr 2PM I won the front place ! awesome aite? hehhehe we totally enjoyed it even thou my parents kindda mad at us on our way back home ;'(
  • Prepare fan! u need themmm!!!it's hot in Malaysia! 
  • Prepare raincoat like MALAYSIAN VIPS did last saturday awesome aite?
  • Mineral water but you can't bring that inside the stadium, so u have to throw it before u get in to partayy
  • Permission from ur Parentttsss!! 
  • PHONEE!! u must snap a pic of your biases like duhh
hahahaa ape je...
okay and the story goes like this,
we went to the concert and park the car near stadium negara which is tepi2 jalan sebab takde parkingg...
and ade sorang manusia tu mintak RM10 because we park there :P 
then on the way nak jalan from car to the concert venue my sisters dah laju jalan ke depan while me kat belakang sekali like tibe2 nampak 4 ALIVE TOUR TICKETSS!!! i like tanye orang kat tepi jalan tu if die tercicir! ktorang mmg like kesian gile tengok and thank god ade sorang guy datang and tanye if we saw his tickets well hell yaaa!! we know how it feels if our ticket is MISSING IN ACTION pakai duit sendiri sampai sanggup puase for a year lol takdelah sangatt :P well that's that...then we 3 walk and we like heard WHAT CAN I DO by SEUNGRI!! :> they having a rehearsalll!!! and this is the Video that my sis ambek well tak nampak dorang... I KNOWW!! but i kindda can see them jugak time tu which is outside the stadium...

LOL ade sound ktorang scream a bit :P sorrry2  hahaha XD My sis fancam dah reach 10K views dahh hahaha even my tweet pun tak sampai 10K yet :P
then ktorang shopping2 bagai snap pic as if we're going and all #perasanpergi
and then it started to rain! ahahhaa RAIN RAIN AND RAIN nonstop ktorang lari balik kereta :P
and saw tickets jugak time balik tapi ticket untuk concert SAMAN LOL
kene saman how HIUFSHLKJNGS!!! dah ah bayar RM10 but all expenses is frm my sis thank's To ALLAH  I got u fr a sister :D 
and that's all i think cuz I just want to finish this fast and want to hafal few more raps LOLOLOL

Ohyaa.. it's the last day of school fr 2012