Sunday, January 1, 2012


WARNING: first post fr this year!! :D hehe :D so i'm gonna look back things that were done on 2011 and what's my plan fr 2012 ! keep reading to know more! :D(is this even a warning anywhere lolXD)

For muslims actually NEW YEAR time awal muharam but klau ikut MASIHI mmg another new year! hehe ok...2011 actually an awesome year ever! I'm gonna do it in points or else ur eyes will surely felt sick of many writing that i do now.. like crazaay!


  • THE very first month of 2011 was the freaking+excited time ever first was afraid of PMR and second excited cuz i'm gonna be school on the morning instead of petang session like when i was form 1 and 2 :D okay 1st month of 2011 mmg tak sentuh buku! XD like ELI ckp : I NEVER STUDIED hehe ( I'm almost like him but made my mind after a few ceramah and exams)
  • went to school and the atmosphere felt weird everytime and amazed by students that's really2 studied even it's the new year! oh come on! (I was so teruk that time) of yaa.. sekolah pagii kan so my eyes never ever look preetayy as the eyebed really2 showing! hahah especially the first day of school yaa! i can't rarely remember em that well but I remembered it was horrible! hehe :D
  • oh yaaa!! I TURUN KELAS!! MALAS ME !! haha fr class 2B to 3D mmg pelik habis lah n I only kenal a few ppl ther mcm NURIN,ERIN, BIELA n others tak kenal sgt :( so it felt weird and I sit alone at the table :( *sigh (a new NERD FREAK IN CLASS) okay!! I'm really A freaky NERD but the lazy head nerd LOL XD
  • and after a few month and days I got to know each students in 3D more betta :D they didn't expected me to talk to much cuz at the first day I look freaky and doesn't talk much and when I step outside of the classroom I talked it's really weird like I have alter ego or something that makes me talk-less in class and RANDOMLYtalk-much out of class heee :P
  • outta class n my classmate was amazed of talky-talky much me hehe :D they really thought tht I'm kind of girl that PENDIAM, PEMALU n SOPAN which I"M NOT! hahaha
  • in 2011 the first month I rajin jgak actually but ONLY in class ! like i said just now! it have a different aura everytime i entered the class! so every time the teachers ask questions or anything i'll be surely be the first to HANDS UP and jawab( buat muke nerd tak bersalah o-o )
  • to make studies more funny i customize alot of stuffs like my file I drew stuffs and wrote alot of comments fr myself to like school betta..and rules to be an awesome girls and i wrote the first rule is :LOVE SCHOOL more! second: thing school is cool third: be VICTORIOUS and alot more words to give me motivation so tht I have a courage to speed ahead the others and help them too cuz like my mom said, " jangan kedekut ilmu ! BERDOSA!" i remembered it forever UMMA!
  • and also this year I went to SINGAPORE and I just knew that in singapore they have a store called COMIC's connection that sells KPOP stuffs :D so I knew em and that time I shopping tak igt duniee! heehe 50SINGAPORE DOLLAR dihabiskan kat kedai tersebut SAHAJA! LOL
  • okay and the year of 2011 I've got GSHOCK! :D U SHOCK ? I SHOCK MORE DUDE!! HEHE my COUSIN yang berbaik hati terlebih baik tu bagi saye haiyoo at first ingatkan nak beli yg bese2 but than die beli kan ori plak tu BANG IZ ! stop buying stuff fr us! (MY two sis pun dapat watches too) my sis's gshock colour merah while mine is purple hehe (HOYA ! DONGWOON!! ELI!!I LOVE PURPLE TOO!)
  • AFTER SCHOOL project and IN SCHOOL PROJECT semuenye fun and supperb :D and on 1st of july the first time I was about to watch a concert hehee BEAST FANMEETING!!! MMG NAK pegi sgt and ask my parents permission hehe XD dorang bagi and was like so daymm happy :Dand beli tickets OKAY!! DAH BELI !! then TERmenang contest kat astro HITZ and got another two tickets ==" pastu crisis melande good thing my cousin join so tickets yg tak digune ade satu haish rugi2 kesian org yg tak dpt pegi :( MIANHAE!! saye tak sengaje...then time pegi fanmeet tu beratur panjang berjela lepas tu ade org ttu ckp with her friends "eh, kau tau tak ade sorang budak ni dye dah beli tickets then menang another two tickets YA ALLAH ! untung kan diaa tu!" and i kat blakang mcm *are they talkin bout me?? hehe after fanmeet habis skit hati with lucky fans semue then shopping lah ape lagi hehe:)
  • back to school and exam and I got A's fr BI and the highest in my class :D then teacher MEGALA tnye sape pling tinggi dlm ENGLISH so i raised my hand up then die ckp "nak join tutor mude?" and i was like...hmm okay jelah I gave my name :D and I jadi tutor muda :D ade kursus at CYBERJAYA 
  • Then, apa lagi huh? hmm oh yaa! KIM HYUN JOONG HIGH FIVE SESSION saye pegi TENGOK sajee tak dpt high 5 die pun LOL and yaa esok atau lusa high five session tu.. ade percubaan fr PMR hahaha and me pgi jumpe KIM HYUN JOONG so teruk.... 
  • PMR STARTIN AND ENDED TAK LAME 4 DAYS je hehe best bile dah habis exam :D!
  • CUTI SCHOOL started and I went to 2PM HANDS UP TOUR!!! :D heee dah la lagu HANDS UP is released on my birthday 14th of JUNE 2011 :D GMBAR HANDS UP TOUR haish tegok je kat sni > |PART 1 | PART 2|
  • hmmm....and at 22 of december 2011 dpt result PMR!! i've got 7 A's 1 B HEEHE THANKS CIKGU, FAMILY AND FRIEND I LOVE YOU GUYS ALOT!!!
OKAY 2011 has ended :'D I made a new post later bout 2012 :D HWAITING!!!
P/s : gonna read fanfic fr now!! haha CIAOO!