Saturday, May 19, 2012

Girls day


HYE! it's been a while kan?? me so malas to update maa because busy studying fr the EXAMINATION..well this time me dah Nekad (mcam kelas punye name) nak dpt A's byk skit then the first ujian ! :) cehh..semangat lebih LOLXD kalau ADDMATH tu..hmmm pass pun dah bersyukur sgt sgt ! :) well pray the best fr me kay! well todayy! me wanna give some studying tips fr y'all but before that i wanna tell y'all INFINITE DAH BUAT COMEBACKKK!! wohhooo and GNa is next week!! :DDD 

Studying +HEALTH TIPSS!!
well i'm not a pro so all of this only my style of studying cuz ramai yang tanye I how i can catch up with studies walaupun me takde tuition bagai. and also! about health! so, here it is:
  • For a student like me and all of ya out there..Sleep is a must!! at least 5 hours of sleep the best fr teenagers is 6 hours a dayy.
  • We go the Power.. I got the poweerr! hehe do take a balance meal everyday well me dieting so jangan ikut my way of eating cuz i want to diet in a drastic wayy well i know is kindda dangerous but I'm desperateee! :PP
  • Fr me i'm studying when I got bored! try to make ur laptop,tab or etc appear invincibly macam melenyapkan bende tu semua lah so tht u can study more 
  • try to sleep awal and bangun awal pagi n belajar! mmg masuk kalau study pagi2 fresh habiss! kalau me.. I woke up at 2AM to study well korang ikut suke lah :P
  • make a study timetable! it's a must but korang kene lah disiplin and ikut that timetable betul2
  • do take a lot of notes when in classes when I say alot I meant Ah-lot! well this stuff I want to try out cuz tak buat sgt hahaha

OKay this studying tips tak bermakna yang me perasan pandai ke ape.. TAK LANGSUNG KAY! sajelah nak buat tips so that it can be useful fr y'all and myself! :D

 Last week, My cousin's daughter just passed away..Al-Fatihah