Friday, April 20, 2012



Blogger dah berwajah baru nampak ! :DD cool :DDD SO.. this week has been tough on me since alot of stuff came thru mcm gitu aje :( how bout THIS stuff yang everyone keep on asking me..
"sekarang mcm ne?", "ape u buat then?" all the question popped out frm nowhere u guys! me dun want to talk about it yet kay maybe later...

Infinitely I'm JR's FAN!! aaaaaahhhhh!!! he so hooottt!! :DDD Okay JR STOP KILLING me after TOP, dongwoon, woohyun, L and a few others kill me so dun start killing me with your smile dude!!and guess what? JR is Older than me by only one year!! woahhh!! even me and TOP age is 9years difference tau!? klau dgn WORAWECH DANUWONG lagilah 11 years tak pyah tanye! LOL C: well.. stuff like this tak kire umur actually yg penting hati aww :P #poyo

 Nu'est ! be careful cuz i'm gonna be one of ur fanatics out there ! or maybe im already fanatic now is it?? haha so today.. kena masak awal cuz pukul 5 ade music bank daa Pukul 4 must start doing chores bagai! :DDD nak tidur terlupe plak well besok luse bleh tidur yg penting siapkan everything  :{ D