Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So.. Today

BABY LUX IS SO CUTE!! :D (i put this because of the baby)

Okay.. today seems kindda alone cuz Asnida tak dtg well naseb baik the others ade! haha I felt relieved cuz dah lepas buat English assessment Test! Mine was suck! Enuff said lahh :P Today ade karnival seronok belajar in my school! okay my school is COOL! (maybe, i guess not) haha whatever :P so tadi i'm lepaking with the 4PA's Hottie! haha Baby Yijing, DIDI, Dena, Wan alya, miera and last but not least akmaa!! haha XD what the? okay so..

today's undone task is:
1.Basuh baju
2.sidai baju
3.lipat baju
4. iron baju
5. Homework sejarah
6. study fr sejarah,add math, math

Todays's done task:
1.Checking my twitter
3 Bloggiee
senang cter bende yang tak berfaedah mmg dah siap LOL! :P

okay mee so malass! OK BYE! oh yaa.. TODAY Didi got the chocolate n the bear! haha I told u so dear! :{ D *mustache-ing

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